MO Summit 2025

Top Gathering for Impact CEOS

MO Summit 2025
April 21-23, 2025, at the Renaissance Hotel & Conference Center, Asheville, NC
About MO

Learn and make lasting connections.

At MO, leading impact CEOs engage, learn, and forge a new path on critically important topics. The Summit includes a combination of core panel topics and deep networking. Come be part of how businesses are redefining capitalism creating solutions to the world’s pressing social and environmental issues creating enduring value through strategies that leverage the inherent link between natural, social, and financial capital.

Join us for the biggest annual gathering of impact CEOs of high-growth, positive-impact companies using the power and creativity of business as a force for good. A gathering of leaders who are building the future – one that is inclusive, regenerative, sustainable. In 2018, Big Path Capital created the MO Summit to bring together leaders who had a similar vision of capitalism to expand our collective impact.  

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Watch Wendy and Blair's testimonial

"It’s actually changed the trajectory of my career and business. Best conference I’ve been to."

The goal of the MO is much deeper than a learning event. It fosters an environment for impact CEOs to connect and develop meaningful relationships – relationships that are symbiotic and lasting. Check out the video to the left to see how the MO helped connect Wendy Strgar (Good Clean Love) and Blair Kellison (Formerly of Traditional Medicinals).

Interactive programming that inspires.

Power of Partnerships

Our current world calls for a different future – one of inclusion, stakeholder primacy, and balance with the natural world. The new path will not be forged by one industry, one company, or one person but rather by a committed collective focused on our common good. Come join the largest gathering of mission-driven CEOs as we engage around how to leverage partnerships to build a bigger future.

Summit Schedule

2024 Summit Agenda

Day 1 Agenda
6-9pm Kick-off Reception

Join us for dinner and drinks as we welcome everyone to Austin at Geraldine’s located in Hotel VanZandt. 

Kick-off Reception: Welcome to Austin

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This reception will be held at the AT&T Hotel & Conference Center on the Tejas Patio. Join us for dinner, drinks and great conversations!

1900 University Ave.
Austin, TX 78705
Day 2 Agenda

8-9am Breakfast
9-10am Connections That Matter
10-11am CEO Workshops Session 1
  • 1.1 – Impact Collaborative
  • 1.2 – Raising Capital
  • 1.3 – Building Brands & Movement
  • 1.4 – Personal Integration
11:15am – 12:15pm CEO Workshops Session 2
  • 1.1 – Impact Collaborative
  • 1.2 – Raising Capital
  • 1.3 – Building Brands & Movement
  • 1.4 – Personal Integration
12:15-1:15pm Lunch Break
1:20pm Welcome & Opening Address
1:45 – 2:40pm Panel: Power of Partnerships
2:45 – 3:40pm Breakout Panels
  • 2.1 – Lessons for Legacy
  • 2.2 – Alternative Hiring
3:45 – 4:40pm Breakout Panels
  • 3.1 – Psychedelics
  • 3.2 – Faces of the Triple Botton Line
  • 3.3 – Climate Finance
4:45 – 5:15pm Action for Impact: Move Your Money
5:30 – 6:30pm Networking Reception
6:45 – 7:30pm MO 100 Awards Ceremony
7:30-9pm Awards Dinner


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Connections That Matter

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

CEO Workshops Session 1

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
1.1 – Impact Collaborative | CEO Small Group Experience

This session will be a “mock” CEO small group gathering – think Vistage or EO with an impact overlay. The session is meant to provide a “test drive” to see if the Impact Collaborative is a good fit for you. The session will provide an engaging forum opportunity for CEOs to receive the immediate value of the experience of the others in the room by way of a “mock session”.   This session fosters trust, sharing insights without revealing identities. Leaders reflect, prioritize, and pledge tangible actions, translating introspection into purposeful change.

President, Real Leaders
Kevin Edwards

President, Real Leaders

1.2 – Raising Capital NOT Your Blood Pressure

No matter what stage your company is in, raising capital can be stressful especially when you add the objective that you want your new capital partner to be mission-aligned. Come be part of the discussion that will be led by seasoned pros who have had successes and their fair share of learnings along the way.

Christie Lange
Christie Lange

Director, Big Path Capital

Sergio Radovcic
Sergio Radovcic

Founder & CEO, DYPER

CEO, Solo Funds
Travis Holoway

CEO, Solo Funds

Director, Portfolio Growth, Manna Tree
Tyler Mayoras

Director, Portfolio Growth, Manna Tree

1.3 – Building Brands & Movements

Come be a part of a conversation on how to build an authentic mission-driven brand from the inside out. This is not about a product finding a mission, but will be an incredible opportunity to experience a methodology and live crafting of an authentic mission with a product.

Founder & Co-CEO, Treasure8
Timothy Childs

Founder & Co-CEO, Treasure8

Founder, We Are Guru
Gagan Levy

Founder, We Are Guru

1.4 – Values Alignment: The Ultimate Burnout Balm

The demands of leading an impact company are real and persistent and yet our personal growth and business success are intimately intertwined. How do we find the optimal alignment between who we are and what we do? This workshop will explore the interplay between the two through self-discovery, prioritization, and commitment to what matters in the here and now.

Chief Operating Officer, Big Path Capital
Adrianne Gordon

COO, Big Path Capital

Flip Brown
Flip Brown

CEO, Business Culture Consultants

1.5 – Crucial Conversations for CEO Founders

CEO Founders hold a very important and unique role. Blair Kellison has been the first non-founder CEO in three different companies. He brings insight, wisdom, humor and practicality to help guide CEO Founders realize their company’s full potential. 

Blair Kellison


CEO Workshops Session 2

The same workshops will be offered as in Session 1
11:15 AM - 12:15

Lunch Break

12:15 - 1:15 PM
Welcome & Opening Keynote: 1:15 – 1:45 PM
Jorge Fontanez
Jorge Fontanez

CEO, B Lab U.S. & Canada

Panel: Power of Partnerships

1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Panel: Power of Partnerships

Our current world calls for a different future – one of inclusion, stakeholder primacy, and balance with the natural world. The new path will not be forged by one industry, one company, or one person but rather by a committed collective focused on our common good. This panel will engage on how to leverage partnerships to build a bigger future.

Managing Director, Global Sustainability Leadership Institute, University of Texas
Meeta Kothare

Managing Director, Global Sustainability Leadership Institute, University of Texas

Executive Director, Naturally Network
Katrina Tolentino

Executive Director, Naturally Network

Founding Champion, Canadian Purpose Economy
Mike Rowlands

Founding Champion, Canadian Purpose Economy

David Gray
David Gray

CEO, Fed Up Foods

Breakout Panels

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
2.1 Lessons for Legacy

For purpose-led companies, legacy is the ongoing life of the company’s mission beyond the founder’s direct participation. There are many strategies for leaders to ensure the impact of the company will outlive themselves. Come be part of this insightful and intentional conversation.

CEO, R+M Agency
Beverly Murray

Founder & CEO, R+M Agency

Peggy Shell
Peggy Shell

Founder & CEO, Creative Alignments

Blair Kellison


Gabriela Vilaro
Gabriela Vilaro

Executive Director, Camino Partners

2.2 Alternative, Second Chance Hiring

Second chance hiring is based on the simple principle that a person’s past does not define them, and those who have served their time should have a fair shot at employment and a place in their communities. Given that 1 in 3 U.S. adults has a criminal record that would appear on a routine background screening, this is a social impact almost all companies can participate in. Come here how to get this started at your company.

Kristin Carroll
Kristin Carroll

CEO, Rescue Agency

Former Co-President at SunCommon
Duane Peterson

Co-Founder & Former Co-President, SunCommon

CEO, Frontier Coop
Tony Bedard

CEO, Frontier Coop

2.3 Sharpening Your Leadership Edge

The call for new leadership capabilities in our complex, changing, and uncertain world is growing. In this session, Roy Notowitz and the panelists will share key data and insights from Noto Group’s 2024 Leadership & Talent Trends Survey of over 100 consumer brand executives. The concluding Q&A group discussion will dive deeper into shared experiences to spark ideas for driving people and business performance with the future in mind.

CEO, Noto Group
Roy Notowitz

CEO, Noto Group

CEO, Seventh Generation
Alison Whritenour

CEO, Seventh Generation

Ted Freeman
Ted Freeman

Principal Leadership Advisor, Noto Group

Breakout Panels

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
3.1 Psychedelics:  Therapeutics & Human Performance and Creativity

Psychedelics can cause profound, intense changes-not only in what we experience but how we think, how we feel, and what we do. There are major implications for therapeutics, human performance, creativity and problem solving. Some of the promises are mind-bending in themselves. Come hear about the health, hope and hearsay.

Marcus Capone
Marcus Capone

Founder, Tara Mind &VETS (Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions)

Simon Tankel
Simon Tankel

Founder & CEO, Heading Health

Manoj Doss
Manoj Doss

Research Fellow, UT's Dell Medical Psychedelic Research Center

3.2 The Faces of the Triple Bottom Line

We desire that all companies have a strong triple bottom line – financial, social, and environmental returns. As business leaders, we understand that this ‘holy grail’ can be difficult in achieving all three returns within one company. This session will be led by business leaders who are running organizations that exhibit this 360-degree impact.

Partner, KPMG
Erika Whitmore

Partner, KPMG

Co-Founder & COO, b/suite
Dickey Comeaux

Co-Founder & COO, b/suite

CFO, sunwealth
Omar Blayton

CFO, sunwealth

Chairman & CEO, Sellars Absorbent Materials
Tom Sellars

Chairman & CEO, Sellars Absorbent Materials

3.3 Bank On It | Your Finances Are Your Climate Power

As business leaders, we have influence over transforming the financial sector into a powerful force for creating a more climate-safe, just world. Come hear how to make your vision and future bigger.

CEO, 1% for the Planet
Kate Williams

CEO, 1% for the Planet

Ravi Mikkelsen
Ravi Mikkelsen

Co-Founder & CEO, Atmos Financial

Steve McDougal
Steve McDougal

CEO, Co-Founder & Board Member, 3Degrees

Jim Vivenzio
Jim Vivenzio

Partner, Perkins Coie

CEO, Chairman of the Board & Founder, Climate First Bank
Ken LaRoe

CEO, Chairman of the Board & Founder, Climate First Bank

Founder & Executive Director, Topo Finance
Paul Moinester

Founder & Executive Director, Topo Finance

Action for Impact: Move Your Money
5:00 PM
CEO, Chairman of the Board & Founder, Climate First Bank
Ken LaRoe

CEO, Chairman of the Board & Founder, Climate First Bank

Networking Reception

5:30 PM
MO Keynote & Awards
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM
Founder, Executive Chairman & Director, Vital Farms
Matt O'Hayer

Founder, Executive Chairman & Director, Vital Farms

MO 100 Awards Dinner

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

After Party at Arena Hall

We'll be keeping the conversations flowing with music, drinks and small bites.

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Day 3 Agenda

8-9am Breakfast
9:15am Welcome
9:30:-10am Action for Impact
  • 1% for the Planet
10:10-11:10am Breakout Panels
  • 4.1 – Alternative Exits
  • 4.2 – Leadership in Difficult Times
  • 4.3 – TBA
11:15am Closing Session
12:15-1:15pm Lunch
1:30pm Wrap up


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Welcome & Action for Impact: 1% for the Planet with Kate Williams

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Breakout Panels

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
4.1 – Exit with Purpose: A Fireside Chat with a Business Owner Who Sold to His Employees

Historically, ensuring mission lock upon exiting has been a hit-or-miss outcome for purpose-led founders exiting their business. Come here a CEO who exited and accomplished this illusive goal.

Partner, Common Trust
Zoe Schlag

Partner, Common Trust

CEO, Text-Em-All
Brad Herrmann

CEO, Text-Em-All

4.2 – Measuring what Matters: Leveraging ESG for Sustainable Value Creation

This session helps impact-minded companies understand how sustainability can be integrated into strategic planning and budgeting cycles to create long-term enterprise value. This broader thinking creates a roadmap for action, provides key insights to operationalize and execute on a concrete sustainability strategy, and prepares companies for upcoming ESG disclosure requests or public-facing reporting. Attendees will participate in a working session to identify industry-specific sustainability issues, metrics and KPIs as defined by leading global ESG reporting frameworks.

Partner, Sensiba LLP
Karen Burns

Partner, Sensiba LLP

Julien Gervreau
Julien Gervreau

ESG Services Director, Sensiba LLP

4.3 – Beyond Sustainability | Regenerative Thinking In Business

Regenerative thinking is a mindset and approach that goes beyond traditional sustainability efforts. It emphasizes nurturing and restoring the health and vitality of ecological and social systems We know that being a regenerative business is shifting the dial from doing “less harm” to adopting a more systems-based approach, focused on the creation of value across whole value chains. Or, put more simply, it is about actively replenishing natural resources, social and economic capitals. Come here how to incorporate this thinking into your business.

Partner, Perkins Coie
Dax Henson

Partner, Perkins Coie

Valeska Pederson Hintz
Valeska Pederson Hintz

Partner, Perkins Coie

Ryan Pintado-Vertner
Ryan Pintado-Vertner

Founder & CEO, Smoketown

Russell Diez Canseco
Russell Diez Canseco

President & CEO, Vital Farms

Craig Swanson



11:00 AM

Closing Session with Nathan Stuck

11:15 AM

Wrap Up

11:45 AM


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Meeting Space Available

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Past Keynotes

Past Speakers

The Renaissance Asheville

The Renaissance Asheville Downtown Hotel is in the heart of the Blue Ridge and Great Smoky Mountains. Asheville is a mountain hub for the arts, beer culture, outdoor activities, culinary, and entertainment. All of this is within walking distance of the Renaissance Asheville.

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Renaissance Asheville Downtown Hotel, Asheville, NC

No, registration closes Friday, April 17, 2025

Yes, the suggested event attire is Business Casual.

You can find more details at the MO Summit website and it will be updated as we confirm details closer to the event.

See you April 21, 2025!

Our Partners

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors.

Chop Value